

十多年来,圣. 路加福音’s faculty members have been invited to apply for the annual Faculty Enrichment Award, 由史蒂夫和利兹·戈德斯通夫妇慷慨资助, 前圣. 卢克的父母. 更通俗的说法是“梦想补助”,” this monetary award allows faculty to pursue a personal project or journey that will enrich their lives.

St. 路加福音’s is excited to announce the 2023 recipients: Cynthia Briggs, 中学 French Teacher; Ty Wieland, 中学 English Teacher; and Rich Kaechele, 设备技术员. 

今年夏天, Cynthia plans to visit the French island of Corsica — a dream ignited in middle school by her first French teacher, 夫人Chevaleau. 也被称为“美丽之岛”,科西嘉有着丰富的文化, 历史, 传统, 美丽的风景, from rose-tinted alpine mountains that plunge into Caribbean aqua-colored waters to ancient stone villages nestled in limestone cliffs. Cynthia looks forward to exploring Corsica and returning with rich cultural experiences to share with her students.

Ty will travel to Vietnam with his spouse, Quoc, and daughter, Isabel. Quoc, who is Vietnamese, left the country with his family in 1975 after the fall of Saigon. Thanks to the Faculty Enrichment Grant, Ty and Isabel can now see Quoc’s country of origin. Both are intensely curious and eager to learn more about Vietnamese culture and their family’s experience there.

Rich has a love for the 历史 of American transportation. 今年秋天, Rich and his wife plan to take a road trip out west to explore museums that focus on America’s transportation 历史, 包括亨利·福特博物馆, 吉尔摩汽车博物馆, 哈雷戴维森博物馆, 以及国家交通博物馆.


2022年:Janet Jochem, St. 卢克的高中科学系主任, and her husband took a trip to Ireland — the place they honeymooned 29 years ago and where their love story took root. 在那里, 他们喜欢都柏林的风景, 唱卡拉ok, 跟着西部乡村音乐跳舞, 喝着生的吉尼斯黑啤酒. 最重要的是,他们庆祝了他们永恒的爱情. 扎克·布鲁斯科,圣. 路加福音’s Computer Science Teacher and textbook coordinator, 在家里装了一个125加仑的鱼缸, which houses African cichlids and helped him to reconnect with his childhood love of aquarium fish. 

2021年:珍·波科尼, Head of 中学 课程 and Special Programs, explored her roots and connected with her family on a trip out West. 去年夏天,他们租了一辆房车上路了. 珍很享受和孩子们在一起的时光, 甚至兄弟姐妹也在争吵, 他们去了她的家乡南达科他州, 加州的红杉, 俄勒冈州海岸, 和大峡谷, 这里仅举几个例子. 中学 Math Teacher Jay Blau spent the summer on a good ole American road trip. While traveling, he reconnected with his passions of music, art, food, baseball, nature, and people. 他参观了纽约的博物馆 & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Wrigley Field in Chicago, and the Field of Dreams in Iowa. He wandered in California, Seattle, and Austin and enjoyed the delectable tastes of New Orleans. 他和老朋友们在迈阿密结束了他的冒险.

2020年:马特·巴沃尼, 学术技术协调员和拉丁语教师, originally planned to tour seventh-to-eleventh century historical sites in England, 威尔士, 和苏格兰. 而不是, 由于COVID-19, he reimagined his backyard and created a beautiful garden space, as well as built a desktop computer from the ground up. 迈克尔•米切尔, designLab导演, returned to his childhood passion of drumming with a purchase of an electronic drum set and a year’s worth of lessons to refresh his skills.

2019: 中学 History Teacher Sarah Westerberg-Egan took a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Beirut with her mother, 谁是第二代黎巴嫩人, 探索他们的遗产. Westerberg-Egan共享, “我非常感激有这个机会, and my mom and I really had a life-changing experience visiting our homeland.” 上学校 English Teacher Steve Flachsbart traveled with his wife to Greece, where they explored everything from the Parthenon in Athens to the oracle in Delphi to the blue roofs of Santorini. Visiting Greece was a longtime dream after reading the Odyssey in ninth grade. Steve shared, “Being able to see the pages come to life was an incredible and gratifying experience.”
2018: US Band Teacher Peter Valera purchased his first new saxophone in nearly twenty years, 从高中开始就和同一个人一起玩, and former 音乐 Chair Katie Kaplan traveled to Israel for the first time with her husband and synagogue group. 
2017: Retired Math Teacher Nancy Walsh went to Ireland with her sisters to trace their maternal family heritage, and English teacher Susan Doran visited the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales in Great Britain, an area associated with literary greats such as Wordsworth, 柯勒律治, 拜伦, 还有Brontës.
2016年:MS艺术主席Nancy Sarno重新学习钢琴, Assistant Head of MS Mark Chuhta rebuilt a ‘68 Mustang engine with his son AJ, and Director of 大学咨询 Sonia Bell took an Albany-to-Los Angeles train ride with her sister.
2015: Director of Educational Support 服务s Daphne Teittinen-Schreck took cooking classes with her husband, and Physical Education Teacher Pat Raffaele took craft brewing classes.
2014: Former Director of 技术 and horse-enthusiast Elizabeth Preston enrolled in dressage riding sport lessons, and former Math Teacher Elaine Greene took a family trip to Ireland.
2013: Director of Character Education Kate Parker-Burgard acquired bees and expanded her family’s vegetable garden, and Math Teacher Colin “Bucky” Buchanan took a cruise with his wife.
2012: Math Teacher and WSLX faculty advisor Jeff Kress created his own home radio station, 和美国卫生 & Wellness Coordinator Camille DeMarco-Havens took an anniversary trip.
St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. 路加福音’s Center for 领导 builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.